Earth Is My Mom Too

A short article on how we should preserve our mother earth and our own body

Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2022


Photo by Craig Pattenaude on Unsplash

The first thing you get without your own hard work in this world is your body. So your body is same like your ancestral property.

Your body is not you, the thing which defines you indeed is, your soul. This body is a given thing for you, it is just a medium to live in this world.

According to Gaia theory, our whole earth is a living organism, just like you, me, a dog, a cat… we all are just like a bacteria living in it, like the billions of bacteria living inside our body. So technically, our earth is our first mother. There is a symbiotic relationship between both of us.

Yes, our earth want to give a life to us. She has just used our mother and father as a medium to make it happen. she did the same thing to our mother and father too.

It is not just a hypothesis, it is a fact. A fact should be like a mathematics, it should not be proved wrong in any way. Because 2+2 = 4 is a fact, we cannot deny this or we cannot prove this wrong in any way. If you can prove a fact wrong, that’s not a fact anymore.

She has created us to protect herself. We cannot live without her, she thought we would do some good things for her . That’s what the symbiotic relationship is. She thought, we would protect her to protect ourselves at least. That’s how we supposed to act. But we are not doing what we supposed to do.

We have to plant trees to make her prosper, but we are busy in deforestation. We are polluting the air and sea. Other than humans, all the living organisms are contributing something in their own way to make earth prosper, but we are troubling them too.

Human is an unprecedented creature. We are not only troubling her, we are troubling our own body too.

we are tired of changing the climate system of earth, now we are changing the circadian rhythm of our body with irregular sleeping pattern.

By Emitting huge chemical smokes from industries without caring about ozone and by smoking cigars without caring about lungs.

By Disposing garbage and waste in a improper way and by in taking unhealthy foods and stuff in our stomach and storing it like garbage.

By not doing any good things to our earth, by not doing exercise for our body.


Humans are the only creature in the world working against our own mother. Ultimately, we are working like a bad bacteria in the earth. If it continues, we should face the consequences for sure.

Don’t exploit your body, use it, you haven’t earned it with your hard work.

We should start to do what we supposed to do as soon as possible, because our mother earth already has some good experience in destroying the whole species inside her. she deserves respect same like our own mother.

